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    FAN CONCERT 結果共10筆

  • 太養眼!D.O.寵台粉「突曬半裸照」 許願辦小籠包巡迴 

    韓國人氣男團「EXO」成員都敬秀(D.O.)今(22)起一連兩晚在台北天母體育館,舉行「都敬秀Asia Fan Concert Tour "BLOOM"」首次亞洲巡迴粉絲演唱會,首場他穿上帥氣白襯杉登台,以新歌〈Mars〉開場,更用流利中文全場粉絲打招呼,「大家好,台北!歡迎大家!」更感謝歌迷用愛與熱情歡迎他。
    2024/06/22 22:21
  • 「泰坦級女團」NMIXX來台 獻唱A-LIN金曲超有誠意

    被譽為是韓流「新生代泰坦級女團」的NMIXX,5月18日、19日兩天舉辦首次「FAN CONCERT」專場,人氣大旺的她們,兩場開賣不久便火速公告完售,NMIXX於17日中午抵台,在桃機遇到媒體與剛好同班抵達的民眾,成員立刻揮手致意,漂亮臉蛋下笑容始終沒停過,也讓大家感受到她們的天花板級親和力。
    2024/05/20 18:05
  • Andy Lau’s 2024 Taipei tour ignites fan excitement

    Andy Lau announces his "Today...is the Day Andy Lau Tour Concert 2024 - Taipei Station" to take place in October and November 2024, sparking excitement among fans. The tour will also reach eight Chinese cities, Singapore, and Malaysia, with rumors of a Hong Kong performance in December. The theme emphasizes the importance of cherishing the present, eliciting an overwhelming response from fans online.
    2024/05/10 18:01
  • KKTIX refutes claims of unfair IU concert ticket sales

    KKTIX denies rumors of ticket reservation for IU’s concert in Taiwan. IU’s "2024 IU H.E.R. WORLD TOUR CONCERT" in Taipei sees rapid ticket sales, sparking fan anger. Over 95% of tickets were for public sale, with 20,000 tickets sold out in a minute for each of her two shows. The real-name system was implemented to ensure consumer rights, with failed orders put back on sale.
    2024/03/07 11:33
  • ’Orange Devils’ return to Taiwan for premiere concert

    The renowned Kyoto Tachibana Senior High School Band, also known as the "Orange Devils," has returned to Taiwan in December after gaining a fervent fan base. Known for their vibrant and smile-filled performance style, the band made a memorable mark during last year’s National Day celebrations. The ’Orange Devils’ have planned flash mob events and are scheduled to hold their premiere concert at the National Concert Hall in Taipei. The band expressed their happiness about visiting Taiwan and their anticipation of meeting with the Taiwanese audience again. The visit aims to fortify cultural exchanges between Taiwan and Japan, as expressed by Huang Chun-chieh, the General Manager of a Taiwanese food brand. To enhance the band members’ experience in Taiwan, arrangements have been made for them to tour distinctive local scenic spots. Upon their arrival on the evening of December 9, the Kyoto Tachibana High School Band immediately showcased their signature enthusiasm and energy. The visit is expected to entertain their Taiwanese fans and continue strengthening the cultural bridges between the two nations.
    2023/12/12 13:09
  • Mayday wraps up tour in Paris, quashes lip-sync rumors

    Mayday, the Taiwanese rock band, concluded their "I Really Want to See You" concert series with a final show in Paris. The concert, which aimed to dispel lip-syncing rumors, received global accolades for its authenticity. Lead vocalist Ashin emotionally shared his sentiments about the band’s journey, while guitarist Stone thanked fans for their support. Bassist Masa attempted to greet Parisian fans in French, eliciting laughter when his pronunciation was off. Monster, another guitarist, expressed appreciation for fans and encouraged their enthusiasm despite the chilly weather. Guan You shared an amusing anecdote about not being recognized in Paris without his glasses. Highlighting the evening, Ashin delivered powerful vocals, exclaiming his reliance on his throat for 24 years. Mayday’s commitment to live performances resonated deeply with their international fan base.
    2023/12/08 17:23
  • 當廚房在走!MAMAMOO+一年來台3次 10月挑戰1日開唱2場

    韓國實力派女團MAMAMOO成員頌樂、玟星組成子團「MAMAMOO+」,7月南下高雄在啤酒節熱唱不過癮,這次更要締造「一年來3次」的超狂韓星來台開唱紀錄!10月22日確定在台北國際會議中心舉辦的FAN CONCERT,更狂的是還要挑戰「一日2場」,兩人對於今年可以從南唱到北表示超級期待!
    2023/09/12 17:30
  • IVE北流開唱!張員瑛辣露107公分美腿  Rei變身小籠包險被吃

    韓國女團IVE於24日、25日連兩天開唱,舉辦「IVE THE FIRST FAN CONCERT The Prom Queens in Taipei」粉絲演唱會,首日一開場6名女孩就帶來讓粉絲超驚喜的演出,並演唱將她們拱上大勢女團寶座的多首金曲,加上台北流行音樂中心的精良場地設備,打造了充滿視覺、聽覺饗宴的美好夜晚。
    2023/06/24 19:47
  • 半年2度撲台!VERIVERY宣布7月會台粉 挑戰安可唱破45分鐘

    上次唱不過癮,這次他們要加倍奉還!韓國男團VERIVERY宣布要在7月22日再度來台,舉辦「2023 VERIVERY FAN-CONCERT [DREAM SHOP] in TAIPEI」,對於1年能夠來台北兩次,成員們都超級期待,除了能再度吃到美食,是否會突破上次安可時間長達45分鐘的紀錄,更令粉絲相當期待。
    2023/06/02 15:13
  • 大勢女團IVE宣布來台!開唱日期、地點曝 近距離看張員瑛

    IVE是韓國STARSHIP娛樂時隔五年,繼宇宙少女後所推出的六人女子音樂組合,團名具有「I HAVE」的意思,寓意為不是作為成長型組合,而是以完成體組合,向大眾展現「擁有的東西」,於2021年12月1日以單曲〈ELEVEN〉出道。今(20日)宣布將舉行亞洲巡迴Fan Concert,台灣也是其中一站,讓粉絲嗨翻。
    2023/02/20 15:29
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